Beebalms, Health & Beauty

Propolis Tincture


An powerful tincture, to protect yoursef and heal, working as a natural antiseptic and an immunity support

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Beebalms, Health & Beauty


Propolis  "the defense of the Temple " is resin, collected by our bees from cone bearing trees...
The healing strength of our these mighty trees, is used to protect and sterilise every cell in the hive.
Also used and setting like concrete, to block gaps and insulate and also embalm vermin or bugs that perish in the hive.
We gather this sticky resin in summer, as we work the hives, and free up the frames.
It has been dissolved in our Honey Moonshine spirit, to make this powerful tincture.
Just 2 drops under the tongue, or directly down the throat,  at the first hint of throat infection,
or flu.  It is advisable to use when entering an airplane or doctors rooms. A dab at each nostril and
smear a wee bit on your lips.
Caution some people are allergic to Propolis, so it is advisable to place a drop on the tip of your finger. 
If red itchy or swelling occurs, please do not use. If no reaction, you will be fine to use internally or externally, but in moderation. 

** It is advisable to dilute down to half strength, with water when taken for the first few times.

Uses: - a protection barrier when travelling in buses and airplanes.
          -protection when entering doctors rooms or visiting sick friends
          -Taken at first sign of cold, throat infection or cough
          - Aids in the prevention and treatment of respiratory tract infections
           -A mouth disinfectant
           -Wart removal and fungal infections
           -Heals symptoms of urinary tract infection

This is a 20% proof tincture in a 40% Honey spirit, to be used sparingly as required
A print out comes with the tincture, on uses and caution
Please do your own research to educate yourself on this amazing product


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