This season, 2025 has been amazing. A very early warm spring has seen a predominantly Manuka harvest this year, with no Pohutukawa, or lighter honeys, You will notice my ratings are higher and my prices lower ! Its wonderful to be able to drop the prices on this very sought after product..
Manuka is the first of our native shrubs to flower, in drifts of pure white, like snow over the hills and valleys, so the bees must be ready and in top performance to bring in this precious nectar.
Every Apiary gives us a different grading, so all the Manuka batches are Laboratory tested separately.
The nectar is Amber in colour and jelly like, so more difficult to extract, but well worth the effort.
The taste is rich, spicy caramel with a definite earthiness, the benefits are too numerous to mention here !
Clinical studies have proven it to be Antibacterial and Anti-inflamatory, also naturally supporting wound healing and reducing the risk of infection. Most commonly used as an immunity booster and at the slightest hint of a cold or sore throat, taken by the spoonful, it will instantly soothe and heal.
All our Manuka Honey has the NPA - Non Peroxide Activity rating, and MGO- Methygloxal rating on the jars. (UMF is trademarked, unique manuka factor, and is exactly the same as NPA, the correct scientific term)
The higher these numbers, the more medicinal antimicrobial activity they contain.
A very special Honey we are proud to deliver to the public.