Manuka Honey

Manuka Blend (77MGO) 500g


NEW !! A divine Manuka blend rated 4.8NPA (77MGO)

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Manuka Honey


This Manuka blend honey has been laboratory tested, as we expected it to be a
Certified Manuka, but the NPA did not quite reach the 5+ marker, so it is on the shelf
as a high rated blend, with a lab result of 4.8 NPA.( peroxide activity) 77 MGO
This batch has more of a Manuka Rewarewa blend, with the characters and flavours of both..
From our beautiful Matakana site, up high in the hills alongside Mt Tamahunga

A beautiful full flavoured honey, left to set to  a soft but slightly sandy crystal.
My personal top pick of honey.  Rich, tangy floral, herbaceous !  A great every day
honey for winter wellness for the whole family, and kids love the "not so rich" taste and texture


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